Attorney for Military Veterans

Attorney for Military Carlsbad

As a military veteran or active duty servicemen who has served in our countries military, you know that every day can present difficult challenges. If you are a military spouse you most likely will also have lived with long periods of separation from your wife or husband as well as being displaced from family and friends by a distant posting.

Whether you are facing difficult medical choices as a result of being wounded or have PTSD, questions regarding the division of property including pensions or military benefits, or are struggling with a family challenge either before or after a divorce, we are here to help. 

Being faced with a divorce is often one of the most difficult situations for military veterans or active duty personnel. If you or your spouse is deployed, it can become even more complicated. If you have children you will need to face the difficulties of child custody and child support. If you are active duty and deployed much can occur during a separation in your absence. Once you return from deployment you and and your ex-spouse may face some hard choices over child visitation and living arrangements, out of state residence could be a distinct factor in this case. Experienced representation from a certified family law attorney that is both knowledgeable and prepared with the specifics regarding military families or a military veteran is imperative for a positive outcome for all involved.

Experienced Legal Help for Military Veterans, Active Duty Servicemen and Their Families

Our approach at The Law Office of Stan Prowse is to focus on the most positive outcome for our clients. Our goal is to get you what you want while at the same time making your life better, not worse. We understand that you need a military veteran attorney that will fight for you while placing a high regard on your specific needs during a difficult time.

I am a Certified Family Law Specialist, which means I have detailed knowledge of all aspects of the Family Code and have devoted a majority of my practice to the special needs of cases just like yours, whether you are a military veteran, active duty service member or a military spouse. Please have a look through our site as well as this section specifically developed for Military Veterans, Active Duty and Families. I'll be good for you and I'll get you what you want. I'm betting you'll conclude that I'm not bragging.


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Law Office of Stanley D. Prowse
7206 Aviara Drive
Carlsbad, CA 92011
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